Gyn Links
The information found in these pages is not meant to be a substitute for information received from your doctor or midwife. We encourage you to bring your questions and concerns to us. Since we cannot always be available to answer your questions, we want to provide you with some additional sources of information, but the information contained in these pages should not be considered a substitute for personal medical care.
These articles are presented “as is”, without any express or implied warranties. While reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, our practice assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages from use of the information herein. Please consult your doctor or midwife for specific information.
Abuse and Domestic Violence
Connecticut Domestic Violence Shelters
Adolescents and Young Women
Questions and answers about teen sexual health and sexually transmitted infections
Information for young adults on pregnancy, contraception, STDs and communicating well about sexual issues
Sponsored by Children’s Hospital in Boston, this site provides information on health issues that affect teenage
girls and young women. Lots of good information sheets!
Sex, Etc. – an online newsletter by teens, for teens
Articles on sexuality from the New York Online Access for Health
Alternative or Complementary Therapies
Interested in alternative therapies? Here’s a study on the use of agnus castus (Chaste tree) for PMS.
Evidence-based herbal medicine – What’s safe? Where’s the evidence that herbs work? What precautions should you take if you use herbal therapies? This is a really good resource.
Curious about alternative and complementary medicine?
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institute of Health
From New York Online Access to Health, extensive site
Breast Care and Breast Cancer is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing the most reliable, complete, and up-to-date information about breast cancer.
Information about breast imaging procedures from the American Cancer Society
Resources and support from the National Cancer Institute; extensive and worthwhile site
National Cervical Cancer Coalition
Association of Cancer On-line Resources
Choosing the best birth control method for you
Emergency contraception website – also available in French, Spanish and Arabic
Emergency Contraception
The Feminist Women’s Health Center
Planned Parenthood’s site
good information on Natural Family Planning
FertilityUK is the national fertility awareness & NFP service for the UK. The service provides comprehensive and objective information to the general public and health professionals on all aspects of fertility awareness.
A Guide to Infertility Treatment and Procedures
Information on basic infertility workup from the InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination
American Society of Reproductive Medicine; includes patient handouts
Resolve is a support group for women and men with infertility concerns; in addition, it provides a wealth of information on infertility and getting pregnant
Guide to tests, drugs and procedures
Homepage of the fertility awareness and natural family planning association; good site with information on the physiology of the menstrual cycle, and signs of ovulation
Pause – the online magazine that is your complete guide to midlife health
Confused about the hormone replacement controversies? Here’s a site that helps explain the studies
information on midlife health from the National Women’s Health Resource Center
The web site of the North American Menopause Society
Menstrual Cycle, Menstrual Irregularities and Gyn Problems
The Endometriosis Zone
The Endometriosis Association
treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome with insulin lowering medication adds a new section on Sex Related Issues, includiong such topics as vulvodynia, data rape, contraception, changes in libido. Lots of good information here!
good site with descriptions of various causes of irregular menstrual bleeding
National Vulvodynia Association
PAP Smears
Every thing you need to know about Pap smears.
PMS and Depression
Interested in alternative therapies for PMS? Agnus castus is effective in premenstrual syndrome
Sexually Transmitted Infections/Vaginitis
Questions and answers about teen sexual health and sexually transmitted infections
more good information from New York Online Access to Health
excellent site with detailed information on the signs and symptoms of many sexually transmitted infections;explicit photos however, and you must check a disclaimer to enter the site
Women’s Health in General – lots of good information on a wide variety of topics
Sexual Relationship Problems?
Sexual and relationship problems are surprisingly common and can cause huge distress. Research suggests that between a third and a half of adults report having sexual problems. At the heart of many relationship breakdowns and divorces are sexual problems. But people find it very difficult to talk about such personal issues and this may mean that problems go unresolved for years or even for ever. It does not need to be like this.
Association of Reproductive Health Professionals
Reproductive health is a broad topic, intimately tied to every person’s quality of life. It is about helping people navigate the hormonal changes in their bodies, whether in adolescence or in menopause. It is about choosing whether and when to be pregnant, and being able to have a safe and healthy pregnancy. It is about understanding ourselves as sexual beings and how our sexuality affects our relationships and our health. Reproductive health is about helping people live long and satisfying lives.
The ARHP Web site is designed to provide health practitioners and the general public evidence-based information on the broad range of topics that make up reproductive health. For ease of navigation, ARHP’s wide array of resources including continuing education, clinical publications, patient resources, featured research, breaking news, and links to additional information are organized by fourteen broad reproductive health topics/
The companion website of the classic women’s health book, Our Bodies, Our Selves
Human Anatomy OnLine is a great interactive resource for learning more about our bodies. There is a wealth of information on reproductive anatomy.
Many links on gyn care, pregnancy and primary care from The National Women’s Health Information Center
extensive links and information from New York Online Access to Health
topics concerning sexuality from New York Online Access to Health
National Woman’s Health Resource Center
“Boldly Exploring Women’s Health”